NEW Studio Ghibli Box
Studio Ghibli Box

How it Works?

Choose between convenient monthly subscriptions or opt for a one-time box purchase. Enjoy the freedom to cancel your subscription at any time!

Get The Ghibli Box
Can I choose my items?

No, customization options are not available at the moment. Our Ghibli box is designed to provide a cute surprise each month, and as such, you cannot choose specific items.

Shipping Schedule

Our Boxes ship at the end of each month, no matter when you place your order. Once shipped, delivery typically takes around 7 days, and you'll receive a tracking number to follow your box’s journey straight to your doorstep! 🚚✨

Are all items included inside?

Yes, all items are included! However, sometimes there might be last-minute changes due to supplier issues or stock shortages. If that happens, we’ll replace the item with something just as cute and magical, so you’ll still get a box full of Ghibli joy!

Will the items in my box always match the preview?

While this rarely happens, please note that items may occasionally change due to supplier issues. If an intended item is out of stock, we will replace it with an equally cute item of a similar design. We do our best to stick to the planned monthly selections, and any changes are made only when absolutely necessary to ensure your box arrives on time and full of beautiful surprises!

When do subscription payments come out

If you subscribe, payments are automatically processed on the 3rd of each month, and boxes are shipped around the 25th.

Is this box only Studio Ghibli?

Yes! This box will feature only Ghibli items each month.



Choose between a one time purchase or a monthly subscription ⭐️